Arrr...Thrifted Treasure! Tracy Porter bowl for $5.99
I collect serveware. Bowls, cake stands, platters, pretty glass jars and trays, even baskets...they are the items that call to me from garage sale tables and thrift store shelves. Vintage Pyrex bowls in primary colors hold onions and garlic on my counter, and I never miss a chance to serve up pasta in a beautiful Italian made bowl or a stir fry in tiny dishes from Chicago's Chinatown. I almost did a jig right there in the middle of Goodwill when I spotted this beautiful, hand painted Tracy Porter bowl on the shelf. It was definitely a "Could it be?! ....It IS!" moment. I've coveted a Porter piece for some time but could never justify the price tag. This Thalia serving bowl retails for $60 and I snagged it for $ that I can justify. :) Now...what to serve in it....
I just love the periwinkle blue of the inside, and the flower detailing is spectacular.
Thanks for letting me share my wig out with you!
Participating in Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm...hop over and see what others have snagged on the cheap!

I just love the periwinkle blue of the inside, and the flower detailing is spectacular.

Participating in Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm...hop over and see what others have snagged on the cheap!